• 1906-2023

    Xindongke energy rooftop solar panels for the Germany market.

    Rooftop solar panels are photovoltaic (PV) panels that are installed on the roofs of residential, commercial, and industrial buildings to capture and convert sunlight into usable electricity. These panels consist of multiple solar cells made from semiconductor materials, typically silicon, which generate direct current (DC) electricity when exposed to sunlight.

  • 1110-2022

    Hongkong media report: Chinese solar cells sell well in European

    The reports say China's solar energy appears to be one of the export bright spots for the world's second-largest economy. European has a big demand for solar panels due to the high electric prices. Especially, after the Russia and Ukraine war. According to the International Energy Agency, China accounts for more than 80% of all stages of solar panel manufacturing.

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